🧞♂️How to reassign records?
There are many reasons why we might want to reassign records.
An employee has left the company
A new employee has joined the company
Realignment of territories
Depending upon the number of records and the expected results, it may be straightforward or it may be more difficult. Do we want to do this once or ongoing? Let us look at some of our options
Mass Update
Mass Updating allows you to apply the same changes to multiple records at once.
Can be performed by any user as long as they have the correct permissions.
Limited to a single module
A limited number of records can be updated with each request.
It may take many requests to update all of the records
No ability to filter by Inactive Users
Importing records is done by uploading a CSV (i.e. comma-separated value) file. In order to obtain the information required to Import, you’ll need to export the data first if you have the correct permissions.
Can be performed by any user as long as they have the correct permissions.
Should only be performed by a certified Sugar Administrator.
Limited to a single module
In order to update the Assigned To on a group of records, you’ll need to export the records first in order to obtain the record ID and the imports required fields. Exporting requires the correct permissions.
No ability to filter by Inactive Users
This can be done via:
List View
You’ll also need to understand how the Assigned To fields should be imported
User’s Reassign Records
Use the Reassign Records page any time by navigating to Admin > User Management then selecting "Reassign Records" in the Users module tab's actions menu.
Can filter records across many modules at the same time.
No restrictions on the number of modules or how many records can be updated
Can disable the firing of Logic Hooks, SugarBPM, etc.
Can only be performed by an administrator
Leveraging the Sugar REST API, a developer can update records
Fine-grain control by a developer
Requires an export of data to obtain the information required for using the API
Requires development skills
The developer needs to understand the REST API
Performance of the updates can be impacted depending upon which REST API function is used
SugarBPM™ automation suite is the next-generation workflow management tool for Sugar. Using SugarBPM enables us to create a recurring method to perform record assignments including the ability to update related records.
Use Case: As a manager, when an Account is assigned/reassigned, all of the related Contacts should also be assigned to the “assigned to” user of the parent account.