Love Enrico toothpaste tool (and the name) and comes very handy. Thanks for sharing the idea of integrating your own stuff like QRR into SugarCRM console tool. We implemented our own console tool to perform all the repair and other stuff for one of the customer in past.
Since the inclusion of 'Sweet Spot Search' in SugarCRM, I think we don't need any extra functionality like Profile Menu. You can do QRR or go to any module/record using that feature in just one click. I believe it's one of the hidden gem in SugarCRM which most of the people don't know or talk about it. It can be your next blog post to tell the users about this sweet feature :)
Love Enrico toothpaste tool (and the name) and comes very handy. Thanks for sharing the idea of integrating your own stuff like QRR into SugarCRM console tool. We implemented our own console tool to perform all the repair and other stuff for one of the customer in past.
Since the inclusion of 'Sweet Spot Search' in SugarCRM, I think we don't need any extra functionality like Profile Menu. You can do QRR or go to any module/record using that feature in just one click. I believe it's one of the hidden gem in SugarCRM which most of the people don't know or talk about it. It can be your next blog post to tell the users about this sweet feature :)
JD - Thanks for the idea. I don't think much has been said about the Sweet Spot bar in years. We can feature it in a future blog post